The Queen And The Deaf And Dumb
Not far from Osborne House, Isle of Wight, there lives a poor man in a
small cottage, who a few years ago had a deaf and dumb daughter, who
used to do a great deal of knitting for the Queen. Her Majesty
frequently visited this woman, and used to talk to her on her fingers.
The deaf and dumb woman is now dead, and during her illness the Queen
visited her and talked to her for her comfort. Her Majesty apologised
that she
could not now talk so fast as when she was young.
Vauncey, a little deaf and dumb boy, was admitted to the Institution, at
Derby, and night and morning he would watch with keen interest the other
boys kneeling at the bed-side, and spelling on their fingers their
prayers. In a few days the little boy learnt the alphabet, and the head
master on going upstairs to look round, was surprised to see him
kneeling reverently by his bed-side, eyes closed, and spelling on his
fingers the alphabet right through. A strange prayer, the reader will
think; but not so to our Heavenly Father, who doubtless would accept it
as the poor boy's best offering.