The Deaf Mute's Faith

One day a minister's servant brought a subscription book and laid it on

his study table, saying, "A dumb man brought it, sir." On looking at the

book, a thought struck the minister that he should not let that dumb

man out of his house without seeking his soul's good. He invited the man

in, and after kneeling in prayer before the man, and putting a

subscription into his hand, the following conversation took place in

ing. The minister wrote: "My dear friend, have you found the Lord

Jesus Christ to be precious to your soul? Are you born again?" The dumb

man answered, "Yes, I understand what is meant by 'born of the Spirit,'

it means a 'new creature' in Jesus." The minister was not quite

satisfied with the answer, and therefore he asked, "When were you made a

'new creature,' and how?" He answered, "I was under the impression of

sin six years ago, but I prayed to God for Christ's sake to give me a

new heart, and I felt joy and peace in my mind. I prayed O Lord, have

mercy on me a poor sinner. I also read the Psalms of David." In order to

bring out distinctly whether he really arrived at scriptural peace, for

he feared that, after all, the dumb man's faith might turn out to be

only a vague and wavering confidence, the minister asked him again "If

God were to call you away this night, would your sins be brought against

you, and would you have to answer for them all?" He answered, "I trust

in God for Christ's sake, because Jesus died for me. All those who trust

in Jesus' precious blood are cleansed from all sin. He is mighty to

save." The minister then asked, "Was it through the instruction you got

at the Deaf and Dumb Institution that these good impressions were made

upon your mind?" He answered, "My teacher used to teach the Bible to all

deaf and dumb pupils, but I did not feel any grace from God till I was

afraid to meet God for sins; then I looked to Christ by faith and got

peace." The minister then asked, "Will you write a sentence for me to

read to poor sinners, from a dumb man that cannot speak?" He then wrote

as follows--words which he meant to be used by the reader:--

"O Lord, have mercy upon me a poor sinner!"

"O Jesus, save me from death and hell!"

"O Jesus, take me away to heaven and eternal bliss!"

"O Jesus, take care of me every day!"

"Will you sign your name to all this?" then asked the minister. He

immediately complied with the request. We only give the initials J----


