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Deaf Anecdotes
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A Brave Defender
After reaching our encampment (at Jenin in Palestine) our dragoman told us that the people of the village were so quarrelsome and thievish that it was never safe to stop a night there without an extra guard, and he had engaged the brother of the she...
A Cat Assisting A Deaf And Dumb Woman
The chill wind was moaning, the rain falling drearily, and day darkening rapidly, when a lady might have been seen walking along quickly through Eccles Street. She was thinking of home, with its bright warm fire, and how soon she could get in out of...
A Clever Gymnast
Walter Stevens, a member of the British Mission to the Deaf and Dumb, last year won the first prize for "all round performances" at the Gymnasium of the Young Men's Christian Association. The prize consisted of a very handsome gold and silver medals...
A Deaf & Dumb Boy's Remarkable Dream
William Brennen, aged about fourteen and a-half years, having been awakened from sleep, his first words were that he had been dreaming; and when he got into the school-room he commenced writing upon his slate as follows, assuring his teachers tha...
A Deaf And Dumb Boy And His Brother
Brownlow Harrison, a bright little boy who had spent a few years in the school for the deaf and dumb, was watching with great earnestness for his father, who was to fetch him home for the summer vacation. Brownlow had made unusual progress duri...
A Deaf And Dumb Boy Not Afraid To Die
Bernard Grimshaw, a little deaf and dumb boy, lay seriously ill in the sick ward of an Institution, and was asked, "Would you be afraid to die?" "No! because Christ has taken away the sting of death, if we believe in Him that He died for us; and we ...
A Deaf And Dumb Boy's Devotion
Under the trees standing by the left bank of the Thames, and sheltered from its waters by a mound of earth, is an old but comfortable boathouse. A few roughly-hewn steps lead from the mound to the water's edge, where some six or seven boats rock ...
A Deaf And Dumb Clergyman
Among those who were ordained deacons on Trinity Sunday last year by the Bishop of Winchester was Mr. R. A. Pearce, who is deaf and dumb, and who is to devote himself specially to Missionary work among the deaf mutes in the diocese of Winchester. Th...
A Deaf And Dumb Councillor
Kapotrine Moller, a Russian Councillor of State, son of General Moller, and nephew of the tutor to the Grand Dukes Nicholas and Michael, has just died at the age of eighty-three. He himself, his brother, and sister were all born deaf and dumb. He wa...
A Deaf And Dumb Girl's Dream
(WRITTEN BY HERSELF.) I had a dream on the 26th of January. I was going for rolls, and going back I met Gracie, a friend of mine, and she and I spoke quite well--we were not deaf and dumb. A poor boy, very ragged, carried a basket with some colou...
A Deaf And Dumb Lawyer
Mr. Lowe, a gentleman who has been deaf and dumb from his infancy, will, we understand, be called to the Bar by the Society of the Middle Temple on Saturday next. He has had a good legal education, and is considered very clever as a conveyancer.--Br...
A Deaf And Dumb Man In The Revision Court
On Thursday afternoon a singular scene was witnessed during the proceedings of the Revision Court, at Ashton-under-Lyne. A man named James Booth, of 3, Dog Dungeon, Hurst polling district, was objected to by the Conservatives, and Mr. Booth, their s...
A Deaf And Dumb Man On The Bible
The following remarks on the Bible were written by a deaf and dumb young man 26 years of age:--"The Bible is more valuable than all other books in the world. It is divided into two parts, the one called the Old Testament and the other the New Testam...
A Deaf And Dumb Sculptor
There has just been placed outside St. Saviour's Church, for the Deaf and Dumb, Oxford Street, London, a statue of "The Good Shepherd," which has been entirely modelled and carved by Mr. Joseph Gawen, a deaf mute, who was a pupil of the late Mr. Beh...
A Deaf And Dumb Sculptor At Brussels
A deaf and dumb sculptor named Van Louy de Canter has recently obtained two prizes, one a silver medal with a ribbon of Belgian colours, and a second class award for his best work in marble; the other a bronze medal; he has also an honourable certif...
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A Deaf And Dumb Man In The Revision Court
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A Mate For Laura Bridgman
A Deaf And Dumb Clergyman
A Deaf And Dumb Sculptor
A Deaf And Dumb Councillor
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Do The Deaf & Dumb Think Themselves Unhappy?
Deaf And Dumb Lady's Idea Of Music