Probable Numbers Of The Deaf & Dumb

There is an increasing desire on the part of the various Governments of

the world to give information likely to be useful to the instructors of

the deaf and dumb, but it has been proved beyond doubt that the Census

returns in many cases are not altogether reliable, the numbers being

considerably understated. The following Table by Hartman, compiled from

the various census returns, shows the per centage to the population:--



Date of Total No. of Deaf Mutes

Statis- Population. Deaf among 10,000

tics. Mutes. Inhabitants.


1 Germany 1877 39,862,133 38,489 9.66

2 France 1872 36,102,921 22,610 6.26

3 Great Britain

and Ireland 1871 31,631,212 18,152 5.70

4 Italy 1871 26,413,132 19,385 7.34

5 Austria 1869 20,394,980 19,701 9.66

6 Hungary 1870 15,417,327 20,699 13.43

7 Spain 1860 15,658,531 10,905 6.96

8 Belgium 1858 4,529,560 1,989 4.39

9 Netherlands 1869 3,575,080 1,119 3.35

10 Sweden 1870 4,168,525 4,266 10.23

11 Norway 1865 1,701,756 1,569 9.22

12 Switzerland 1870 2,669,147 6,544 24.52

13 Denmark 1870 1,864,496 1,156 6.20




1 United States of

America 1870 38,558,371 16,205 4.20

2 Argentine Republic 1870 1,743,199 6,626 38.07

3 British Colonies

in N. America 1871 583,535 470 8.05

4 In the West Indies 1871 905,730 690 7.62

5 In Africa 1871 330,460 529 16.01

6 In Australia 1871 305,730 56 1.83


In Prussia (1875) the Census showed a population of 24,604,351, the

number of the deaf and dumb being 24,315, or 9.9 to 10,000 of the

population. In India there are, it is said, over 200,000 deaf mutes. The

total number in the world is supposed to be over 700,000.

