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Deaf Anecdotes
Exhibition 1851
At the great Exhibition in 1851 there was exhibited a set of oak tables
and cabinet of Stanton oak, combined with glass and ormolu, etc., made
and carved by three deaf and dumb persons; the castings by Marsh, of
Fairly Done
Deaf And Dumb Boy And His Mother
Zachariah was a deaf and dumb boy, thirteen years of age, who was being educated in an Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, after an absence of four years he went home to see his mother. When he entered her house, in company with his benefactor, she w...
Deaf And Dumb Clergymen
In America there are four deaf and dumb clergymen working in connection with the Church Missions to the Deaf and Dumb. There are also in connection with the same mission eight lay readers, all of whom are deaf and dumb.--Deaf Mute World. ...
Deaf And Dumb Lady's Idea Of Music
A lady who graduated from the Institution at New York some years ago, was questioned as to the capacity of the deaf to enjoy music; she wrote: "I think all deaf persons have an idea more or less vague of musical sounds. It comes to all who cannot...
Deaf Dumb And Blind
An examination of students who were deaf, dumb, and blind took place on Washington Heights. The principal, Dr. Isaac L. Peet, gave various interesting exhibitions of their skill and accomplishments. A blind, deaf, and dumb boy, about fourteen years ...
Deaf Dumb Blind And Lame
David Simons, of Boston, is deaf and dumb; he is also blind; likewise he is lame. Penniless he is, and houseless. Finally, he is black, which may or may not be considered a misfortune. No,--finally he was run over by a team and dreadfully bruised. Y...
Deaf Mutes In The Town And Country
Wilhelmi tried to ascertain by means of his statistics in what proportion deaf mutism occurred in towns and in the country, and found that it preponderated in the country. --------------------------------+------------+-------------------- ...
Dear Tammas
A poor old deaf man resided in Fife; he was visited by his minister shortly after coming to his pulpit. The minister said he would often call and see him; but time went on, and he did not visit him again until two years after, when, happening to go ...
Do The Deaf & Dumb Think Themselves Unhappy?
Two deaf and dumb scholars of the late Abbe Siccard were asked--Do the deaf and dumb think themselves unhappy? The following is the answer of Massien:--"No; because we seldom lament that which we never possessed, or know we can never be in possessio...
Mr. James Wyllie (the Herd Laddie), the greatest living draught player, has been in Aberdeen for a whole week, playing in public against all comers. He played altogether 98 games, of which he won 79, lost 3, and 6 drawn. It is worthy of notice that ...
Drunken Billy
A poor deaf and dumb man, who might be said to be entirely friendless in the world until the Institution of the Deaf and Dumb was formed at Derby, was continually in trouble, owing to his intemperate habits. "Drunken Billy," as he was called by s...
Dumb For Two Years
Two years ago, says the Auburn Advertizer, George Scott, one of a gang of desperadoes in New York City, committed a robbery, for which he ought to have received ten years in prison. When he was arrested he feigned to be deaf and dumb. Upon his trial...
Entertainment By Deaf And Dumb
The inhabitants of Mansfield had some most enjoyable meetings on Monday last, when a number of the pupils from the Deaf and Dumb Institution at Derby gave some very interesting illustrations of blackboard sketching, including animals, birds, fishes,...
In St. Modwen's Churchyard at Burton-upon-Trent, Staffordshire, the following inscription has been copied from the tombstone of a deaf and dumb man:-- This Stone Was raised by Subscription ...
Exhibition 1851
At the great Exhibition in 1851 there was exhibited a set of oak tables and cabinet of Stanton oak, combined with glass and ormolu, etc., made and carved by three deaf and dumb persons; the castings by Marsh, of Dudley. ...
Fairly Done
A good story is told of ex-governor Magottin, of Kentucky, who is a good talker and likes to do most of the talking himself. Recently, in making the journey from Cincinnati to Lexington, he shared his seat in the car with a bright-eyed, pleasant-fac...
Faith Cometh By Hearing
A deaf and dumb Lady said that the first time she went to church after she was impressed with the truths of christianity, she saw over the pulpit the words "Faith cometh by hearing," which caused her great unhappiness; for, she thought, that as she ...
Fatal Accident To A Deaf And Dumb Bride On The Day Of Marriage
The following is taken from the Manchester Mercury and Harrop's General Advertiser, June 10, 1800:--"On the 12th ult., in the Island of Anglesea, Mr. Henry Ceclar, a gentleman well known for his pedestrian feats, to Miss Lucy Pencoch (the rich heire...
Good Influence
A few years since an aged man, who had long been a sincere and devoted christian, was placed in the same ward in the Infirmary of N----with a deaf and dumb youth. The former received and enjoyed the visits of the chaplain, whilst the latter was c...
Grace Annable
Grace Annable was deaf, dumb, and blind, and although her form and features were well proportioned, she was a great sufferer from constitutional weakness; yet her temper was mild and affectionate. Strange to say, Grace was a capital nurse, and was m...
Great Swimming Feats
1. Fourteen miles down the river with the rapid ebb tide, from the middle buoys opposite the Tay ferries to far buoy at the mouth of the river Tay, in 5-1/2 hours (1859.) 2. Across the Frith of Clyde from Carrought, Ayrshire, to Ailsa Rock; 8 mil...
Half A Score Deaf Mutes
On Tuesday evening last the Stamford Corn Exchange was crowded with people eager to see half a score little deaf mutes from the Institution at Derby. The children--six boys and four girls--caused considerable amusement, and also pain to think they s...
Helen Silvie
Helen Silvie was a Scotch girl. She was born in the village of Dunblane, situated on the beautiful banks of the river Allan. She lost her hearing by fever when about five years of age, and two years after she was sent to the Edinburgh Instituti...
Her Latest And Best
A little girl was admitted to a Deaf and Dumb Institution, and in due course, before she had obtained a thorough knowledge of language, learned "Little Jack Horner." Two nights afterwards, when the deaf and dumb pupils were kneeling at prayer, they ...
Heroic Conduct Of A Deaf And Dumb Girl
On Tuesday last an inquest was held by Mr. Michael Fullam, Coroner, at Aughaward, near Ballinale in this County, on the body of a respectable middle class farmer named James Prunty. It appears the deceased, a feeble old man of 76 years of age, we...
His Right Name
In a letter received by the head master at the Deaf and Dumb Institution at Derby, a lady writes about a little boy she had assisted in obtaining admission into the Institution, and said that "During the little time (18 months) that William has been...
How To Save The Rates
In a vast majority of cases where the deaf and dumb are allowed to grow up uneducated and uncared for they become inmates of Workhouses or Lunatic Asylums. Many years ago L---- K---- was taken from a workhouse in Derbyshire where he had been for a n...