I Must Help

The following little incident will show how interested the deaf and dumb

are in trying to help Institutions struggling to obtain monetary support

in order to admit the numerous cases pressing for admission. A number of

the pupils from the Institution at Derby were present at a meeting, when

the head master was advocating its claims for support. At the close of

the meeting a deaf and dumb young man came up and said, "I have been
very pleased with what I saw the children do, they will soon be very

clever. I hope the people will all help you; other people helped me to

get a good education, now I must help others who are deaf and dumb to

go to school. I will try and collect L5 for you." True to his promise he

did collect L5, and sent it saying, "Next year I must try and collect

L10." A little time since he called at the Institution with the handsome

sum of L10, which he had collected in pence from 371 persons. Several

other deaf mutes have shown their interest by collecting L1 to L3 from

time to time.

