Ordination Of Deaf Mutes In Philadelphia Usa
Nearly all the deaf mutes connected with the Protestant Episcopal Church
in this city assembled yesterday morning in the church of the Covenant,
to witness the ordination into the priesthood of two deaf and dumb men.
The ceremony had been long talked of among the deaf mutes, and as none
of this class of persons had ever before been ordained to this order in
the church in this country, there was a widespread desire among the
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Episcopal community to be present at the ceremony. The church was well
filled when the exercises began. Owing to the length of the services,
the regular morning prayer was omitted, and after hymn 153 had been
sung, Rev. Thomas Gallaudet, D.D., Principal of the Deaf and Dumb
Institution in New York, who was to preach the sermon, was introduced.
Dr. Gallaudet prefaced his sermon by saying that when a deaf mute was
addressed, the words were not spelled out, but that the ideas were
represented by signs. Ideas about the intellect were conveyed by a sign
about the head, those relating to the sensibility by a motion near the
heart; in short, the sign language was as distinct and individual as the
English language. Rev. Mr. Chamberlain, of Iowa, stood up in the chancel
as Dr. Gallaudet began his sermon, and interpreted the sermon to the
deaf mutes who sat in a body near the front of the chancel. Dr.
Gallaudet sketched the progress of deaf mute education from the
establishment of the first school in Hartford by his father in 1817. As
illustrating the individuality of the sign language, he mentioned that
while he was in Brussels in August last he preached to a congregation of
about twenty deaf mutes, English, French, Belgian, and his sign language
was comprehended perfectly by all. "Sounds," he said, "are only outward
symbols of ideas, just as signs are." At the conclusion of the sermon,
Rev. Henry W. Syle and Rev. Arthur M. Mann were presented for
ordination, the former by Rev. Dr. Miller, and the latter by the Rev.
Dr. Atwell, of Toledo. Sitting within the chancel, one at each end of
the communion table, were Bishop Stevens and Bishop Bedwell, of Ohio,
while nine other clergymen surrounded them. Among them the placid
countenance and venerable form of Rev. W. H. Syle, father of one of the
candidates, was especially noticeable. Bishop Stevens then read the
exhortation, and it was interpreted by Dr. Gallaudet to the two
candidates, who stood in their robes at the chancel rail. Eagerly did
they watch the motions of the reverend gentleman as he conveyed to them
the words the Bishop was speaking. The Bishop then asked Mr. Syle the
questions laid down in the prayer book. As Dr. Gallaudet finished
interpreting each question, Mr. Syle handed a slip of paper on which was
written his answers, to Rev. Mr. Clere, of Phillipsburg, who read it
aloud. Rev. Mr. Mann then arose, and Bishop Bedwell stated that the
questions and answers would be interpreted. He asked the same questions
asked by Bishop Stevens, and Mr. Mann slowly communicated his answers,
using only his right hand in replying. The ceremony of laying on of
hands was then performed, Bishop Stevens and several others laying their
hands on Mr. Syle's head, and Bishop Bedwell performing that office for
Mr. Mann. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was then administered to
the newly ordained priests, and they were welcomed within the chancel
rail. A special invitation was given to the deaf mutes to commune
immediately after the clergy, and there were enough present to occupy
the long chancel rail twice. The sacrament was then administered to the
congregation, and the audience was dismissed with the benediction by
Bishop Bedwell. On Saturday, the second biennial session of workers
among the deaf mutes in the Episcopal Church was begun in St. Stephen's
Church. Rev. Dr. F. J. Clere, of Phillipsburg, was elected President,
and Rev. Mr. Syle secretary and treasurer of the conference. An address
of Bishop Howe, and papers by Messrs. Clere and Syle were interpreted to
the conference by Dr. Gallaudet.--Philadelphia Inquirer, 15th Oct.,