An Amusing Story

Here is an amusing story hailing from Munich. During the past year the

professor of Aesthetics in the University, whose lectures are

proverbially wearisome, delivered his lectures (as usual) to a scanty

audience. There were five students in all, who, week by week, melted and

grew "beautifully less," until at last but one was left. This solitary

individual, however, seemed to concentrate in his own person all the

ce, application, and punctuality of his frivolous fellows. At the

conclusion of the last lecture of the course the professor approached

him and praised him for these admirable qualities, and proceeded to

inquire of him, "What is your name, my young friend?" No answer. "What

country are you from?" Absolute silence. The matter was soon elucidated,

for it was discovered that the patient and persevering disciple was a

poor deaf mute, who had taken refuge from the severe cold of winter in

the warm lecture rooms of the University.

The following is extracted from "The Christian Leader":--At a Christmas

competition of blind readers which took place on Friday and Saturday,

21st and 22nd December, 1883, in the Mission Hall in Bath Street,

Glasgow, was found a blind deaf mute among the blind hearing

competitors. Educated when young in the Institution for the Deaf and

Dumb, he was able to do for himself until he lost his sight two or three

years ago. He had then to make use of his fingers in reading as well as

speaking; and in spite of the formidable difficulties in the way of his

learning the embossed type, he made a most creditable appearance on

Saturday and gained a special prize. The remark made by one of the

examiners when this man was reading will, we are sure, express the

thought of all who peruse these lines--"How thankful to God we ought to

be for the use of our faculties, and especially for this precious

blessing of sight!" This blind deaf mute is Mr. Daniel Hunter Ardrossan,

one of the members of the Ayrshire Deaf and Dumb Mission.

